Not so much, unfortunately. This law only works if we imagine with intention and feeling. What we want to create will only manifest into our lives if we believe we have it already within our grasp, if we are sure that that is what we really want (law of intention) and if the thought of having such thing(s) gives us a feeling of joy. I have read several books on the subject including 'The Secret' and 'Creative Visualization' and I have also read some of the work of Dr Deepak Chopra. Mastering the Law of Attraction is not an easy task for a beginner like me and many others out there. I feel the most difficult part of it is 'the detachment from the outcome' or 'learning to let go'. When we are in desperate need of something that could change our life for the better and make us happy such as finding our dream job, it is very difficult not to constantly worry about it and put the various 'what if' behind us....
For more info on th subject go to http://www.creativevisualization.com
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